Malaysia Newspaper Online

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It is my target also to list down the complete list of Malaysia Newspaper but, as human I may left out few of them. It is a great pleasure if you can post the name of the newspaper and the hyperlinks, I will include it as soons as possible.

Best regards,
Pak Maeh
World Newspaper Online

Friday, March 7, 2008

Bankstown won't fly, says minister...

Federal Transport Minister Anthony Albanese has ruled out any expansion of Bankstown Airport as a second domestic flight hub in Sydney.

Mr Albanese says the airport's location in a densely populated area and its proximity to the existing Sydney International Airport makes it an unsuitable site.

"When it comes to Bankstown Airport being Sydney's second airport, it simply won't fly,'' he told reporters today.

"This isn't a new proposal, it's been around for some time. The previous government considered moving some of the planes from Sydney Airport to Bankstown Airport.

"It's an inappropriate site and there are a whole range of practical issues of where it is in a densely populated suburb, and there are issues of flight path confusion as it is quite close aeronautically to Sydney Airport.''
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